
Africa Bibliography, Research and Documentation
ISSN: 2752-6399 (Print), 2752-6402 (Online)
Frequency: 1 volume per year
Launching in 2022, Africa Bibliography, Research and Documentation brings together essay content from Africa Bibliography, the authoritative guide to works in African studies published under the auspices of the International African Institute annually since 1984, with the former African Research & Documentation, the journal of SCOLMA (the UK Libraries and Archives Group on Africa) published since 1973.
Africa Bibliography, Research and Documentation publishes articles and book reviews on topics relating to research, libraries, archives and publishing in and on Africa, and in African Studies.
Africa Bibliography, Research and Documentation is provided as part of a subscription to the Africa Bibliography. From 2022, the bibliography will be published as an online database only. The online consolidated database version of the bibliography brings together every record collected since its foundation, producing a rich and interactive resource for all scholars interested in the study of Africa. The database version will from 2022 be published online with some 6,000-8,000 entries added annually.
This journal is published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of its managers and owners, the International African Institute.

Special Issue
No. 135 2019
Archives and Collections for/in Ethiopian Studies
Guest Editors: Sophia Thubauville and Sayuri Yoshida

African studies in the digital age : DisConnects?
Edited by:Terry Barringer, Marion Wallace; with Jos Damen, Lucy McCann, John McIlwaine, John Pinfold, Sarah Rhodes.
In addition SCOLMA has published a number of directories and surveys in print. Some of these may still be available for sale. For any enquiries, please contact:
SCOLMA directory SCOLMA encourages the sharing of information about libraries and special collections on Africa in the UK and through Europe. We published our first print directory in 1963, and followed it with 4 updated editions over the next 30 years. A current directory of libraries and special collections can now be found at Africa Desk, where we encourage libraries to add and update their details.
SCOLMA directory of libraries and special collections on Africa in the United Kingdom and Europe 5th ed., compiled by T. French. Oxford: Zell, 1993. ISBN 0 905450 89 2.
The SCOLMA directory of libraries and special collections on Africa in the United Kingdom and western Europe. 4th ed. edited by Harry Hannam. London: Zell, 1983. ISBN 0 905450 11 6
The SCOLMA directory of libraries and special collections on Africa. 3rd ed., compiled by Robert Collison, revised by John Roe. London : Crosby Lockwood Staples, 1973. ISBN 0 258969 17 2
The SCOLMA directory of libraries and special collections on Africa. 2nd ed. compiled by Robert L.Collison. London : Lockwood, 1967.
The SCOLMA directory of libraries and special collections on Africa. Cambridge: Standing Conference on Library Materials on Africa, 1963.
Other SCOLMA publications
Writings on African archives ed. J.H.McIlwaine. Oxford: Zell, 1996. ISBN 1 873836 66 X.
Images of Africa: the pictorial record. Papers presented at the SCOLMA conference, London, 9-10 June 1994 ed. J. Pinfold, T. Barringer & C. Holden. SCOLMA, 1995. ISBN 0 905450 89 2.
Theses on Africa 1976-1988 ed. H.C. Price, C. Hewson and D. Blake. Oxford: Zell, 1993. ISBN 1 873836 35 X.
Theses on Africa, 1963- 1975, accepted by universities in the United Kingdom and Ireland. compiled by J. McIlwaine. London: Mansell Information Publishing, 1978.
Theses on Africa accepted by universities in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Cambridge: W Heffer & Sons Ltd, 1964.
New directions in African bibliography ed. P.M. Larby. (Proceedings of the SCOLMA Silver Jubilee Conference) SCOLMA, 1988. ISBN 0 904090 06 X.
Maps and mapping of Africa ed. P.M. Larby. (Papers of the SCOLMA/BRICMICS Conference), SCOLMA, 1988. ISBN 0 904090 05 1.
African studies. Papers presented at a colloquium in January 1985 British Library Occasional Paper no. 6, British Library Publications in Association with SCOLMA, 1986. ISBN 0 7123 0050 3.
African population census reports: a bibliography and checklist ed. J. Pinfold. Oxford: Zell, 1985. ISBN 0 905450 19 1.
UK library resources for southern African studies. London: SCOLMA, 1984. ISBN 0 904090 04 3
Periodicals from Africa : a bibliography and union list of periodicals published in Africa : first supplement ed., comp. David Blake and Carole Travis. Boston, Mass: G K Hall. 1984. ISBN 0 816185 25 5
Periodicals from Africa : a bibliography and union list of periodicals published in Africa Boston, Mass: G K Hall. 1977.
Progress in African bibliography: proceedings of the SCOLMA conference 17- 18 March 1977. London: SCOLMA, 1977. ISBN 0 904090 0 27
Debates of African legislatures. edited by Miriam Alman. Cambridge: Heffer. 1972. ISBN 0 852700 68 7
Library Materials on Africa: Newsletter of the Standing Conference on Library Materials on Africa. The fore-runner of African Research and Documentation, this was published 1962- 1972